Press Release
ChefsForChildren unites 47 great masters of cooking in Spain to teach healthy eating in a fun way to sick children with Fundación Pequeño Deseo.

Madrid, January 18, 2023.
– The 5th edition of ChefsForChildren will count with the participation of 47 Michelin Star chefs and will once again bring smiles to the little ones.
This solidarity project has two objectives: to teach the importance of healthy eating from childhood and to help children who need it most.
Our motto is “Eating healthy is fun” and there is no one better than the great masters of Spanish cuisine to transmit these values.
Every year more and more cooks participate altruistically in this initiative: Ángel León (Aponiente***), Elena Arzak (Arzak***), Toño Pérez (Atrio***), Eneko Atxa (Azurmendi***), Jesús Sánchez (Cenador de Amós***), Javier and Sergio Torres (Cocina Hermanos Torres***), Paolo Casagrande (Lasarte***), Martín Berasategui (Martín Berasategui***), Quique Dacosta (Quique Dacosta***), Benito Gómez (Bardal**), Pablo González (Cabaña Buenavista**), Nacho Manzano (Casa Marcial**), Mario Sandoval (Coque**), Javi Olleros (Culler de Pau**), Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas (Disfrutar**), Diego Guerrero (Dstage**), Francis Paniego (El Portal del Echaurren**), Iván Cerdeño (Iván Cerdeño-Cigarral del Ángel**), Kiko Moya (L’Escaleta**), Fina Puigdevall (Les Cols**), Erlantz Gorostiza (MB**), Paco Pérez (Miramar**), David Yárnoz (Molino de Urdániz**), Paco Morales (Noor**), Paco Roncero (Paco Roncero Restaurante**), Ramón Freixa (Ramón Freixa**), Ricard Camarena (Ricard Camarena**), Mario Cachinero (Skina**), Luis Valls (El Poblet**), Rafa Soler (Audrey’s*), Fernando Villasclaras (El Lago*), José Carlos García (José Carlos García Restaurante*), Dani Carnero (Kaleja*), Ricardo Sanz (Ricardo Sanz Wellington*), Maca de Castro (Maca de Castro*), María Gómez (Magoga*), Mauricio Giovanini (Messina*), Diego Gallegos (Sollo*), Begoña Rodrigo (La Salita*), Óscar Molina (La Gaia*), Diego del Río (Boho Club), Óscar Velasco, Roberto Ruiz (Barracuda and Mantarraya) and Domi Vélez (Barracuda and Mantarraya)..
Todos ellos aportan su cariño y profesionalidad a este proyecto y demuestran que tienen un gran corazón solidario.